Sunday, 17 April 2011

the baby just born and he wanna say hELLo

hye evEryone...

as the baby just born and he says hell0...hehhehe
i'm very new hEre and just learn how to blogging...
for those who wanted to drop a comment and to get know me i please u 2 do so...
for the start i may not have too much idea and it just about a introduction...

my name is khilatul pajar but i used to be called jaiey...

act this name is created when i was in school...
as many friends n teacher make their weird expression once they heard my name so i think i want to change it...
but now i don't mind...
even though my name is weird but i consider it as unique...
am 23 years old single...
hahhaha... of course i am!!!!
i love shopping and fashion...
but am not so fashionable... (x mampooo...heheheh)
am quite 'pemalu' once am meeting people but my friends never believe this...
as this is very short entry i would like to apologize and i really hope that we can be friend...
just enjoy the way who we are...

~thank you~