Monday, 15 April 2013

A new start after a long pause

Hi readers,

I am back. I believe that I have a very less viewers since my blog was remain unattended for almost a year. Actually, I miss to write again and again. Now, I just found my identity for my blog, my approach will be facts and feeling. The reason of these theme to be selected as my identity because i would like to share my knowledge with my readers and express my feeling with someone. Not to be so boring, i will try to share the best info and express my feeling in manner and. I promise not to be annoying. Hehe.

Therefore, this will be my new post as a new me. Please address me as Jaiey a.k.a Jack. Hope this may be a medium for me to have a new connection with my new world. InsyaALLAH.

That's all for this time being. Can't wait for better post. Enjoy guys.
