Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Bila Resah

sAlam kusapa buat kalian semua.
tErasa seperti ingin ku lukis sebuah puisi indah dengan kata - kata.
kuharapkan kata -  kata ini bukan kata - kata nista walaupun aku sedar aku bukan seorang pujangga.
lama sudah tidak aku coretkan isi hati dengan penuh lenggok bahasa menyapa.
mungkin urbanisasi dan modenisasi cuba mengalih melodi aku berbicara.
namun, bila resah suka untuk aku nyayikan lagu indah.
menerpa ke hati tertanam di lubuk sanubari.
resah ini umpama racun kerana mampu membunuh.
membunuh rasa dan mengkafankan tawa.
senyum sudah tidak bermakna seolah lukisan tanpa warna.
resah bukan seperti ranting kerana resah tidak terpaut di dahan.
resah buat hati bergelora dalam ombak perasaan duka.
mohon aku diberi kekuatan untuk buang resah yang berkelana di hati.
agar gundah yang singgah tanpa diundang mampu pergi tanpa diusir.
biar resah lupus pupus supaya senyum terukir dari hati bukan hanya mainan mimpi.

Friday, 3 June 2011

thE vAcay was aWesome...FULLSTOP!!!

 sAntai sejenak bersama jaiey dan insan2 tersayang

HeLLo peeps!!! aM bAck!!! hEhehehe…
Am so sorry because couldn’t join  uolls hEre…
Haaaacuummm… (to much dust sbb lama x menulis…heheheh)
Btw I just pass an interview and now I already have my first job…
Alhamdulillah for this opportunity and I considered this as a gift from The Mighty ALLAH…
Am very honored to have a job just after I finish my practicum…
Syukur sgt2 sebab ALLAH perMudahkan seGala urusan…
Act I don’t want to talk too much about my job because am very new there… heheheh
Do u know why I was so busy for pass 2 weeks…
It is because there was a vacation with all of my sayang…
For those who know me very well u may know who are my sayang2… heheheh
Act the vacay was not planned very details and it was just like a date…
U know wat???
How ‘gigih’ I am because of miss-sickness???
After I arrived changlun about 7 a.m (bertapa dlm bus almost 11 hours) we straight away to Penang and wait for dR airieL to start the vacay…
Tyme 2 I mMg x pikir pasal leteyh or wat… sbb mmg nak enjoy because lMe gilErr x juMpa my sayang2…

So the journey start at metropolitan changlun basically…

sEmpat post sakan tyme naek fery... hahahaha...

We had our breakfast at a warung there and we were heading to pEnang…
I was so excited and I can feel the sense of happiness once I being with my syg2…
Dlm kEreta yang dipandu oLeh cik hOney violet ktorg mMg enjoy sGt n boleh dengar laharan dr kak eMbun n kAk ani (teka sapa 2???heheheh)
Wow… It was so enjoyable and hilarious…
After we arrived in penang… we went to bus station to pick up dR. airil yg bru bLk dr London okayhh… hehehhe
skRg dah cukup corum n mMg boleh mula bErgembira… waaaa syokkk gilerrr…
first dEstination is sUshi king…

tadaaa!!! Heheheheh

tyme kat sUshi kIng ni cik honey n dR airil yg byk buat order because 3 of us ni can be consider jakun batak (quoted by cik honey) once we were in sushi king… yer lar… we are pure mAlaysian whom take nasi n lauk pauk mElayu + sambaL + tempoyak utk lUnch were asked to have some sushi for lunch… huhuhu…mMg x lark an…hehehhehe
tp x pe… it can be considered as trying something new… hehehheh… the sushi was okay… but we still miss the malay food… (proud to be Malaysian) hehehehe…ni haa sushi2 yg disebut td...

after we had our lunch at sushi king (at gurney plaza) we went for a window sowpink lar pulek… dengan duet yang x banyak n kad kRedit yang non-ada so we just cuci-cuci mata sarjowk… heheheheh… boleh cakap cantik tapi…… (siLa sMbung dialog 2 sEndiri) hehehehhe… sO ni lar gaye2 org tErlalu berWang sopink… hehehheheh…

dah pUas jalan2 we check iN apartment kAt batu feringgi… soRi because am not remember the apartment’s name… huhuhu… but it was good and the accommodation was not bad… because of the apartment have stove and cooking stuff we decided to cook for our dinner… yeeepppyyy… suka masak2 nih… hehhehe… tp sbLm masak kEne lar sopwink dUlu kan… lets enjoy the most berhemah behavior when sowpinkkkk… hehheeh (tp dlm nak sMpi kat tEsco kesayangan kak Embun ni ktorg sUme mMg beRapi manja sBB jauh giler… kononnya nak jimat tp aMbk mse sMpi sejAm kayh nak sMpi) hahahah

cooking tyme….
dR ariel was change his title to cHef airil… heheheh… (his a good cook)
so what was the menu???


Cool x menu ktorg… mMg masyuk gilErr kan… heheheh…
We had pasta…grilled chicken…sandwish…and some orange juice… seriously finger licking good!!!

Penang is one of the great places for holiday… we proof it… we did enjoy the hOliday…
We went to hard rOCk cafĂ©, nAsi kAndar line clear, town area (boleh beli jeruk byk2), padang kota…n laen2…

hard Rock Penang mmg best... siap ad live band lagi 2... kalo kat area town plak boleh jalan2 cuci mata dan cuci wallet plus isi perut... yummy... nasi kandar kambing mmg masyuk :))) weeeee...

For those yg belom pg penang u should go there…
The bEst word to describe??? Awesome… seriously do believe me… heheheh

tengoklah betapa gembiranya kami kan... hahahaha

so have a nice day peeps... ni jay tulis pd 12 Mei kalo x silap... bru dapat post... heheheh... dadaa~