Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Happy Father's Day



Dear daddy (basically ayah in Bahasa),

Today, is a very special day for all daddy in the world. Same goes to you, my beloved daddy. So, i write a very special letter for me to express my feelings and loves for you. First and most, I would like to thank you for every single thing that you did for me, especially your scarifies and loves in the way you brought me up. I feel blessed to have a dad like you.

Special dedication to Mr Mohd Naim Mahmud a.k.a Alias.

Dad, I know you may not read this letter because it is posted on my blog and it is not mailed to your place. Actually I am so shy if you may find this out one day. Of course I will extremely shy because this is not the practice in our family. No love letter neither poem to be shared at the dining table. Living in a very simple lifestyle thought you to express love by being responsible and accountable.It is actually more that enough, not necessary to be so romantic. Isn't it? Cause I know, deep in your heart it will be a very long letter that could only be read by heart as well.

Dad, I know that you was went through all the hassle since you were a kid. Living with your super fierce grandma though you how to survive in a very competitive world. You have to wake up early in the morning where the other kids still sleeping just to help on selling kuih and picking up fruits from the farm. I know it was not that easy for you to hang in there. However, you did it dad. Good job my hero! You show the world that you are capable enough to conquer the galaxy.

I understand You may not complete your study in high school because you was not in the position that you may pursue your study to higher level. However you are a great teacher of mine. When I was in primary school you are my super talented English and maths teacher ever. I still remember the day that you arrived home after your evening shift, you helped me out to complete my homework even though you was damn tired. I believe so, because I feel like to faint every time i came back from afternoon shift even. You are so strong daddy!

Furthermore, you are such noble human being that I know, who is willing to just have a very simple lunch to treat you just because to ensure your son may continue his study without any problem. I was so touched when I get to know you only brought fried fish with simple gravy even you were struggling at your work place. I can't imagine how if I were in your shoes. I don't think I may be that strong

Daddy, there are too may kindness of you that I may share, it won't be enough to write a letter on a page of post. However, I believe those who read this will believe you are an awesome daddy and they will amin my doa that I will forward for you

"O Allah, I forward my doa for my beloved daddy, for You to grant him Jannah and to bring happiness through out his life with Iman and taqwa"


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